This is my little block, in my little city.

I welcome comments, especially if they will help me help others. I'm open to receive your words.

I've been writing since I was 14, and normally I don't know how to stop. My notes become letters, my letters become books, and my books, well, they are definitely books! My published books can be seen at:

Stop by often. Never know when I am going to say something profound... Yeah, right. I'm just me, a happy grandma of many, who loves to write!

Have a great day, and happy writing!

Monday, October 25, 2010


I love popcorn!  You don't have to eat it plain, but it's good that way too!  Here is a site with recipes; the first one is Pink Elephant Popcorn:

This is the day the Lord has made; rejoice and be glad in it!

We had a wonderful time at Saturday's activity for the  children.  I am, still, thoroughly exhausted from the set up, playing, and clean up.  Then we went to Burger King and had a birthday celebration for our 7 year old grandson.  It was noisy as the kids played in the tunnels, but they were having fun.  Since they had cookies, cupcakes and more cookies at the activity, that was a great way to spend the sugar high for them!  I'm sure the parents were glad it was spent before they got back in the car and headed home!

October is nearly over.  :-(    Time has gone so fast, wasn't it just February a couple of weeks ago?  Now we have Thanksgiving to look forward to...and Christmas.  As fast as October went, we'll be opening presents around the Christmas tree next week!

The last 2 nights I've been too tired to sleep.  Well, more than 2-4 hours at a time.  I've gotten more of my books ready to hit the publishing block during the middle of the night, when it's quiet and sleep eludes me.  I wonder if I'm going to be able to finish the books I've gotten started, after I get all the finished ones published?

Here's some words for thought:

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
~ author unknown ~

November 2nd is just around the next corner.  Are you going to get out and vote?  Some already have gone to do the early voting, and are confident that we will be seeing better government representing the citizens.

Do you know the candidates?  Are you sure you know who will do the best job for you?  Have you talked to others about getting out to vote?  Will you take someone with you that can't drive?

Don't forget to take out the TRASH on November 2nd!

I hope you have a great week and are enjoying Fall with the cooler weather.  Get out and get some sun today!

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