This is my little block, in my little city.

I welcome comments, especially if they will help me help others. I'm open to receive your words.

I've been writing since I was 14, and normally I don't know how to stop. My notes become letters, my letters become books, and my books, well, they are definitely books! My published books can be seen at:

Stop by often. Never know when I am going to say something profound... Yeah, right. I'm just me, a happy grandma of many, who loves to write!

Have a great day, and happy writing!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I don't get over here often, do I?

Spring sure has gotten in the air lately!  The robins are here, the geese and flying back to the north...what more do we need to tell us it's almost spring?

It's a bit chilly today, and they say we may get some spitting snow, but tomorrow is going to be warmer!  The time of year that everyone starts getting sick because you don't know what the weather is actually going to be and what you should wear!

Want a tip for something new that's going to get big?  We're in our beta mode, going to open up very soon.  Right now, you can join for $0.  They will give you $25 into your account to begin.  You talk about the business, and when someone signs up because you told them about it, you get $10 for each one!  You can earn extra $ by logging on every day and taking the short surveys, which is asking your opinion on how they need to do business, and reading their very short blogs, which help to keep you up to date with what they are doing!  That's all you have to do.  Just log in every day, or often, and watch your account grow!

Don't forget to ask others to join you in this new payment processing business online.  Here is my URL:

Join today.  You won't be sorry!

Everybody needs to make a little bit of money, right?  With the economy going the way it is, well, it's up and it's down.  At least I hear that it's up, and all I see is that it is down.  Help others by telling them about

Hope you have a great March!

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