This is my little block, in my little city.

I welcome comments, especially if they will help me help others. I'm open to receive your words.

I've been writing since I was 14, and normally I don't know how to stop. My notes become letters, my letters become books, and my books, well, they are definitely books! My published books can be seen at:

Stop by often. Never know when I am going to say something profound... Yeah, right. I'm just me, a happy grandma of many, who loves to write!

Have a great day, and happy writing!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Okay, getting serious now...

An email friend (more like a sister) of mine told me she came to read my blog the other day and wasn't sure what my theme was.  Was I supposed to have a theme?  She told me reading my blog was like reading one of my emails.  Okay, and?  Some blogs I've read were written just like that, thoughts of the author, no theme, etc.

So, I got to thinking.  Have I been back to those blogs that were just thoughts?  I can't say that I have, and yet, that's what I started doing.  Is anyone out there reading my blog?  Yes, a few.  Are they enjoying them?  I don't know, I don't have comments.  Someone said they saw no way to sign in to be able to leave a comment, so I've got to go see what is needed for you to leave a comment.

So, now I guess I need to do a theme.  That means I need to think.  Heavens forbid I must think!  I don't know what to chose for a theme, and do I pick a theme for each blog, or stay with one theme for all of them?  Can someone tell me?

I'll start with something I wrote for someone's site, but I don't remember what or where it was as it's been a while since I wrote it.  It also never got to where it was supposed to go; I got it back saying it was undeliverable.  So I just kept it.  I have added more thoughts in it.

As you know, I am a writer.  Duh!  I read the Blog's title up there...Writer's Block!  Must mean something.  Here is my email that came back:

Who I am:
     Wife of James for more than 35 years.  Mother of 6, grandmother of almost 14!  I enjoy each one of these children God has given us.

For years I have:
     Since I was 14 years old, I've been writing books!  I wrote prior to this age, but this stage of my life I started writing "chapter books," as my oldest granddaughter has called them.  By the way, she is also beginning to write "chapter books!"

What have I tried?
     With a lot of prayer that I would find a way to publish my writings, God has given me an answer!  It has taken many years, but we all know that God does things In His Own Time.  I don't argue with Him!
     In the past, I have sent manuscripts to publishers and always found a rejection slip.  It got quite expensive mailing double-spaced, typed pages of full manuscripts.  And if I wanted it back, I had to include a second manila envelope with enough postage on it to cover the return.

     It didn't stopped me.  I continued writing because the stories were and are always there.  I can look at a picture, a building, or hear a conversation, and a story pops out!  Is this normal?
     I got an agent, hoping that would help.  But, almost 6 years later, I'm still waiting for the agent to send me notice that one of my books was accepted.

Then what happened?
     I found through an author who had gone to another publisher I was considering.  His answer to my question of the reliability of this publisher:  Don't! is one of's projects.  I am the publisher!  I do all the work, from creating the story, to editing, and fitting it into the margins that fit the size book I choose, then using one of their templates I design my cover or upload my own cover design.  I find writing a synopsis the hardest thing, because I can't write 300 or less words about my book!  I've learned, but I don't know how good I am.  Writing an author bio is hard also (not as much though), trying to weed through 50 + years to write down the most significant parts... where does one start?

     After all this, I submit it.  Within a day or two, Create Space gets back to me through my email.  If everything looks good to them, I order my proof copy.  Everything so far has been free!  The proof copy is not expensive at all.

What comes next?

     When I get my proof copy, like in about a week, I make sure it is the look I want.  (My first book I jumped the gun and told them to go ahead and print, before I got my proof copy... and now I see all the mistakes!)  When I'm happy with it, I tell Create Space to Print.  It is ready.

And the best part!
     They are a print-on-demand company, so I don't have to purchase any amount of my own books.  I have taken the copies to a bookstore near my town, and they are checking them out.  If I want the store to carry them, and they approve of them, I will have to buy the copies and let them handle the rest. 
     One bookstore told me they would keep 40% of the retail price, which I found to be very expensive, they would keep more than I would make, and also he showed me where he keeps 8 or 9 other new books from local authors (behind the counter where I couldn't see them) and told me he hasn't sold one copy.  I wonder why!  So I won't go back there with my books.  Besides, it isn't a very clean store.  Most their books are used, which isn't bad, but it all looks used.
    The other bookstore is not just clean, but very organized, and makes people want to come in a browse.  They have a completely different section for their children's books and toys, and nice shelving that house adult (no, not that kind) books.  I am impressed.  Their cost?  They add 20% onto the retail price, and I don't forfeit any of my profit!  Now, that I can live with.

What do I have to offer?

     Now four of my romance books (which are teen-friendly) are listed on, and in their e-store.  Of course they are just a few of what Amazon has to offer, so I need to tell people about them (, and ask them to tell others.  I made my own post cards which I hand out to any- and everyone when I go anywhere.  I tried business-sized cards, but they were too busy, too much information for me to put on.
     I can upgrade with and they will put my books on a list that goes to world-wide bookstores.  At this time $40 (the cost of the upgrade) isn't in my budget.  But it will be!

What I'm trying to say:

     Even someone as poor (yeah, right...I have more than a lot of people) as I am can afford to publish with  Someone did tell me that they went through CreateSpace and it was very expensive.  I'm not sure why, because I've seen nothing like that... unless she decided to add all the help in getting your books 'known' ...their services, which aren't too expensive, just that it adds up quickly.  I chose not to use any of that, yet.  I can't say I'm seeing 100s of my books being bought yet, but I feel if something worth anything, it takes time.

So now...
     I have five more of my books ready to put on Create Space.  Just waiting for a few bucks that isn't going on our bills.

     I have a total of fifteen finished novels, so I'm almost ready to fill a library.
     Many times, years ago, I started a story, and my husband would come home for the weekend (he was an over-the-road truck driver back then).  I would put my writings up until he went back out.  By that time, I had another story waiting to be written down, so I have at least fifty books that I need to get back in and finish!  And wouldn't you know, I can still get stories from everything I see, and could get more started!

In conclusion:
     I have a passion for writing, and I know it is just one of the talents that God has given me.  He tells us that He gives us talents and expects us to develop them and share them with others.  I am very thankful for my talents, all of them.  And I'm glad that my children and grandchildren have and are developing their talents to share with others also.

Do I have a purpose in telling you all this?
     Sure I do.  I want very much to help others!  I have several whom I am helping by reading their works (so far they aren't real long, so I've time for this), editing (no, I'm not perfect, but as with all areas of our lives, I can see others mistakes easier than I can see mine), and giving ideas (someone may be stuck as to what should happen next).  I give advice, but I do not expect anyone to take it, but at least to get ideas from what I tell them.
     Several of the people I know who write are wanting to get together with a blog where other writers can come and ask questions.  Would anyone be interested?  Not one person will know all the answers, but if we get our heads together, we can find answers.
     I would really like to be there for someone else, as I have been brought to this time in my life by many people who I've grown up with, who have raised me, who have tolerated my time spent inside my books, and even those I have met and grown to love recently.

Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts!


  1. If there are no comments, you'll see "0 comments" under my blog. Click on that, it will take you to a page that has "Post a Comment". click on that, and start typing!

    If there are any comments, find and click on "Post a Comment" below my blog, and start typing!
    Jan Carol

  2. Hey Jan! Just thought I'd show my support by posting a comment. Good info about Thanks for sharing.


  3. Aunt Jan, Just a few words to wish you well in your endeavors. Have a great day! Susie
