This is my little block, in my little city.

I welcome comments, especially if they will help me help others. I'm open to receive your words.

I've been writing since I was 14, and normally I don't know how to stop. My notes become letters, my letters become books, and my books, well, they are definitely books! My published books can be seen at:

Stop by often. Never know when I am going to say something profound... Yeah, right. I'm just me, a happy grandma of many, who loves to write!

Have a great day, and happy writing!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Autum Brings Color to the Ozarks

I just haven't done much blogging.  Actually none at all. I've been really busy with helping others with their books, both editing and points on publishing.  Then there are my own books...

I now have 8 romance books published, and I wrote a Christmas Childrens Advent book: My Very Own Christmas Book - A Color-Your-Own-Book.  It is all about Jesus' birth, and there is something for them for every day of December up to Christmas Day.  It will be on by the end of the week.

I am really disappointed in the online things I was doing.  They have all gone on to something else, which costs more money, so I'm out of that.  I am still helping others as I can.  In fact I found something you might enjoy looking into.  No money involved, just ask for the JBG cards, and be sure to read what JBG is all about!  You will love their concept, and it has spread to many countries!

Can't believe, once again, that the end of the year is just 3 months away!  This year has flown out the window, even though the windows haven't been open much.  It was hot this summer!  My granddaughter just closed up the windows because she was getting chilly!  Sure felt good to me!

Well, I guess that's about all there is for now.  Please let me know if you are a writer and could use help getting things published!  I don't charge, I help!

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